
Investor Self Certification

Before we can discuss any specific Property Deals or Investment Opportunities with you. We first need to ensure that you are self-certified as either a High Net Worth or Sophisticated Investor, as defined by the FCA under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (FSMA)

As an individual angel under the FCA Financial Promotions Order you are entitled to receive business plans and make investments through your own decision, provided that you are able to certify yourself as either a High Net Worth Individual or a Sophisticated Investor.

A certified high net worth individual

You confirm that you either:
• have a net income in excess of £100K or
• have net assets in excess of £250K beyond your pension fund assets and your private residence


A certified sophisticated investor

You confirm that have been one of the following:
• A director of a company turning over at least £1 million within the last two years
• Have made more than one investment in an unlisted company in the last two years
• A member of a network or syndicate of business angels for at least six months
• Have worked in the past two years in a professional capacity in the private equity sector or in the provision of finance for small and medium enterprises

Download and complete Self Certification Form